Project commissioned by the State of Florida, Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, Florida’s Forensic Institute (FIRST), United Abolitionists and Unity Films US.
This video is one in a series of training videos to heighten awareness on human trafficking and help save lives.
Content focuses on the grooming tactics that a trafficker uses on their victims.
If you experience or observe potential human trafficking, please call 911 and the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.
Your call could help save someone trapped in modern-day slavery.
Please note – this project is password protected for now due to it’s current usage in State of Florida Human Trafficking Awareness training programs.

CATEGORY | Educational and PSAs
TITLE | Human Trafficking 101A – Amy: Grooming
GENRE | Drama, Educational
RUNTIME | 6 minutes
DIRECTED BY | Leonela Alvarez
WRITTEN BY | Leonela Alvarez
PRODUCED BY | Jeff Williams
MAIN CAST | Laura Stetman & Alan Wilkett